
pass down是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

pass down

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第三人称单数:passes down  现在分词:passing down  过去式:passed down  



na.1.to give knowledge or teach skills to your children or to younger people

1.传递 镇压;写下 put down 遗传;传递 pass down 放下;记下;作出规 …

2.传下去 1.pass on 传递 2.pass down 传下去 3.pass away 消磨(时间) ...

3.传下来 slow down 慢下来 pass down 传下来 put down 记下,写下,镇压 ...

4.把…一代传一代 ... a great deal of 很多的 pass down 把…一代传一代; 使流传 1.hostile adj. 怀有敌意的, 不友善的 ...

5.往下传递 pass away 消失,去世,过去 pass down 往下传递 pass through 通过,穿过 32. ...

6.按顺序传递 ... live with 忍耐 pass down 按顺序传递 pass out 分给,昏倒 ...

7.传给 pass off: 消失 pass down传给 pass out: 昏倒7. ...

8.留传 leave behind 留下, 遗留, 忘带 pass down 留传 make out 辨认出 ...


1.With this set of system and system, to meet the flow of personnel, the enterprise can be the basis of the file will work to pass down.有了这套体系和制度,再遇到人员的流动时,企业就可以根据已有的文件将工作传递下去。

2.A ring from a failed marriage is not the sort of thing one wants to pass down as a family heirloom.对这种代表着一段失败婚姻的戒指,人们肯定不会当作传家宝将它传下去。

3.The abused mice grew up to be poor mothers, and appeared to pass down these changes to their offspring.这些幼鼠成年后成为了糟糕的母亲,并把这种表观遗传变化传给了后代。

4.Attendants also regularly pass down each car selling soft drinks, snacks, or excellent hot sweet Indian tea (garam chai) for a few rupees.列车员也会到各个车厢里去买一些软饮料、小点心或是热印度甜茶(garamchai,只需几卢比)。

5.Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora.婴儿在经过产道并充分“摄取”富含细菌基因的母体阴道分泌物和粪便菌落之后,细菌便开始进入胃肠道。

6.I had to pass down the corridor to the door at the far end.我得穿过走廊到最尽头的门那儿。

7.Environmental protection is such, you to revise to your immediate action to influence others, then they can pass down thought has been.做环保就是这样,你要先以身作则,以你的切身行动来影响身边的人,这样才能将思想一直传递下去。

8.This fight doesn't take place between mothers and fathers themselves but between the genes that they pass down to their offspring.这场斗争并不直接发生于父母之间,而是发生于他们传递给后代的基因之间。

9.This will allow their offspring to pass down precious heritage and traditions from generation to generation.这让他们的后代能继承珍贵的传统,并一代一代传下去。

10.We hope this information can pass down to everyone. Let's take care of our environment with the same dedication and feelings.我们也希望将这个信息传递给大家,在爱护地球上也有这般的执着和情怀。